EPOS CSTD01 Standard Bottom Cord

This cable is compatible with all EPOS headsets that have quick disconnect (QD) connector and suitable for a range of desk phones that have RJ9 port. Compatibility with the phone is very specific to the make and model of the phone.

Consult compatibility checker or call for details of your connection type - please have your telephone MANUFACTURER and MODEL NUMBER ready when you call.

Key Features
Product Description EPOS CSTD01 Bottom Cord
Product Type EPOS Quick Disconnect (QD) Bottom Cord
Compatibility Compatible with EPOS Headset tops only and specific desk telephones. If unsure please call the sales team
Functionality This cable enables customers to easily connect an EPOS headset to specific desk phones with a RJ9 port
Connections Quick Disconnect to RJ9
Manufacturer Part Number 1000836
Warranty No warranty

Whats included :

  • EPOS CSTD01 Standard Bottom Cord

If unsure of your exact requirements, please call the sales team who will be able to advise you. Alternatively email us at enquiries@exteradirect.co.uk

EPOS EPOS CSTD01 Standard Bottom Cord

£16.20 (inc VAT)

£13.50 (excl VAT)

Normally delivered next day

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